Non-existent rant/labels

I have no idea how to start this out. Well I guess that’ works, who said I had to start this out well? No one, that’s who! Now the difficult part is going from starting, to going into the topic of the post. I guess I knew how to start, I just didn’t know how … Continue reading

Dear Director;

So for any of you who are familiar with tumblr, you know there are all these “30 days of….” floating around. In which every day for a month you have something you post on your tumblr according to what the list says for that day. I am currently doing 30 days of letters. I wrote … Continue reading

Paragraph Leap Frog!

Why do I blog? I don’t know. I just do. I don’t do it regularly, or very well for that matter, but I do it. I do it for many reasons. They’re just kind of all jumbled up in my head, and I’m not going to try and untangle them. That would take to much … Continue reading