Non-existent rant/labels

I have no idea how to start this out. Well I guess that’ works, who said I had to start this out well? No one, that’s who! Now the difficult part is going from starting, to going into the topic of the post. I guess I knew how to start, I just didn’t know how to start so it was relevant to what I want to write about.

Okay, this is exactly what (well half it) I want to talk about. I’m so worried about what people will think, and how they will judge me. When I talk, when I write, how I move, and just how I LIVE. I don’t want to offend anybody. I can’t apply for jobs, because I’m worried of them judging me. I know it’s irrational, I mean I’m sure lots of people ask for job apps, but I don’t know, it’s just scary. I avoid going through check outs that people I know are the cashier. They’ll see what I eat. What I have in my food cupboards, what’s in my FRIDGE. This sounds so crazy. I sound insane. I… I… just don’t know. I can’t write this now, not here. I guess I’ll just return to a cave about this. They understand me there. 😉  I’ll just go to the 2nd half of this now. We can just pretend this paragraph didn’t happen.

I love labels. To a point. They help me relate to people, to know I’m not alone. I have enough problems not relating to people, (involving the above paragraph that didn’t happen) without labels, I think I would feel more hopelessly alone. Now, I just feel alone, I don’t mind much, I have a few people who I share “labels” with, and I might talk to them about those feelings, but I don’t really have one go to person for everything, which makes it easier. They won’t judge me on something they can relate to.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t like stereotypes. There is a very thin line between stereotypes and labels, which everyone has problems seeing sometimes. If you don’t have experience or know about a label someone might have, you might see it as a stereotype. Religion and Political parties are a good example of these. There are lots of stereotypes of Christians, but everyone who labels themselves as a Christian, fits the stereotype, if that makes any sense. Same with Democratic and Republicans, they are labels, and stereotypes which are associated with them. Which I guess I can see how that makes labels unattractive to some people, they don’t want to be grouped under the stereotypes, or they don’t feel alone in the type where you want people to relate to you for different things.

I hope this post makes sense. I basically just rambled through it. It feels good to get it out. Now I think I’m going to go “finish” the nonexistent paragraph on some forum somewhere. Byee!!

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