Paragraph Leap Frog!

Why do I blog? I don’t know. I just do. I don’t do it regularly, or very well for that matter, but I do it. I do it for many reasons. They’re just kind of all jumbled up in my head, and I’m not going to try and untangle them. That would take to much work. Like when a whole bunch of necklaces thrown in one spot, and then all the chains get tangled up. Some are easy to untangle, but there are always those few that take like 2 hours to untangle, and I don’t really want to spend that much time untangling my thoughts.

So yeah, new paragraph time. I just got done reading this long chat log of this pedophile with this cop who was pretending to me a little girl. It really creeped me out. Like I should just be more careful. I don’t know. I’m not stupid enough to meet some one and accept to be their sex slave, like that girl did, that, is just creepy.

Hmm okay new paragraph time. This post it totally just rolling of my fingers. That is probably why it’s so awkward and weird and why I keep needing to change paragraphs. I’m just odd when I blog. I either am rolling stuff off a blog post a minute, or I sit there after writing one paragraph, at a total loss of words. Or like I just did, write like 200 words, and be in the middle of a paragraph, and just have no idea what to say. That’s when it’s time to start a new one.

This is a good example of this. I kind of feel like I’m playing leap frog. It’s entertaining. Okay this will be an extremely short paragraph so I can start a new and actually write about something other than blogging. Ready for leap frog? HERE WE GO!!!

My life? Hmm. It’s been non productive. Which is nice. I’m currently eating healthy and counting calories and attempting to exercise (HA) in prep for cheerleading next fall. It’s all kind of exciting. I’m also having a very productive 2nd half of the summer, so the beginning being non productive is fine with me!

Okay, so for this time, I think I’ll have a little count thingie at the bottom, in a Hayley G. Hoover style. So, yay! Here it goes I guess. (Fail end of a blog? I think so.)

Days until fest: 32
queued posts on tumblr: 63
currently reading: Looking for Alaska.

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