Busy, Busy Girl

So much has happened the last few days. Day of silence, babysitting, bowling, and grand march. Which is the most I’ve done in 2 days in a long time. I usually don’t do much. Wake up, go to school, go to practice, come home, do homework, go on computer, go to bed. rinse and repeat. I’ve been getting out, and living. It’s nice. It’s not a lifestyle for me though. I like to get out here and there, but I like my quite nights at home. Sitting on the computer, talking to people all over the world. I’m the kind of person who enjoys getting out with friends more when it’s just sprinkled throughout, and not a pot every week. If you always do it, it isn’t special anymore.

Awkward paragraph transition HERE. After Grand March, I realized. I’m going to be a JUNIOR next year. I’ll be going on College tours, taking my ACT, and going to prom! Now I know going to prom isn’t a guarantee, but I would really like to go. If no guys ask me, I have some guys from younger grades in mind that would be fun to go with. Just thinking about all the things you have to do for prom. Practice hair, practice makeup, nails, buy dress, buy corsage, get dress fitted, and get the guy to get his tux in time. It’s so much money too! You have to decide what your getting done professionally, what friends can do, what you can do, and what can you afford. It’s just so much. Well I have a year to consider it all.

I kind of want to do some theme blogs. Maybe theme weeks, that I write to that theme for the week? Do you, non existent, readers have any ideas? I think I might do another list blog soon. I love list blogs. You can fit so much in, without writing a whole bunch.  Hmm, well we’ll see I guess!

See ya later alligator!

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